Tecumseh HTA condensing units provide a robust energy efficient refrigeration solution designed to handle Australia's extreme ambient temperatures. The L'Unite Hermetique compressor and HTA condenser combination ensure reliable refrigeration when you need it most. This is the HTA advantage. Applications include commercial food and beverage cooling and freezing in pubs, clubs, restaurants, convenience stores, supermarkets, cafes, food processors and many more. Installation is quick and easy with copper tails on all Rotalock valves and fully wired single phase fan motors on all models. All FH, TFH and TAG models include auto reset HP/LP control, crank case heater and oil sight glass. A range of flat packaged unit covers are available to suit most HTA models. The galvanized powder coated unit covers are complete with stainless steel screws and fix directly to the holes provided in the condensing unit base. Tecumseh HTA condensing units are a great solution for your customers' refrigeration requirements.